From the Barnyard
Family Photos
May 22, 2015
I asked my friend Ramie Edwards to come do a portrait session with me and my family.
And Ramie Delivered!
It is a little harder with me. I belong behind the camera, not in front of it! And ol’ Booger wasn’t that thrilled about his modeling career either.
When really, this is what the photoshoot really looked like!
Thank you Ramie! I really treasure these photos!
And if anyone is looking for a photographer in this area - I highly recommend her! Check out her beautiful web page - just click here.
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When I am an Old Horsewoman
May 20, 2015
When I am an old horsewoman
I shall wear turquoise and diamonds,
And a straw hat that doesn’t suit me
And I shall spend my social security on
white wine and carrots,
And sit in my alleyway of my barn
And listen to my horses breathe.
I will sneak out in the middle of a summer night
And ride the old bay gelding,
Across the moonstruck meadow
If my old bones will allow
And when people come to call, I will smile and nod
As I walk past the gardens to the barn
and show instead the flowers growing
inside stalls fresh-lined with straw.
I will shovel and sweat and wear hay in my hair
as if it were a jewel
And I will be an embarrassment to all
Who will not yet have found the peace in being free
to have a horse as a best friend
A friend who waits at midnight hour
With muzzle and nicker and patient eyes
For the kind of woman I will be
When I am old.
-By Patty Barnhart
Originally published in The Arabian Horse World magazine in l992
Happy Birthday to me!
Thank you Ramie Edwards for these awesome photos!
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Where Two Friends Met

1 girl + 1 filly = LOVE!
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Pumpkin Spice
May 14, 2015

Here is Mr. Pumpkin Spice! (Remember him from my full of foals post?)

And he is Spicey!

We brought him out to the alfalfa field for a quick photo shoot...

With wings because - we can.

And he went crazy!

Running wild!

Then we took the wings off...

And he went even faster!
Until he ran into the irrigation ditch.
Then the photo shoot was over.

By the way happy mother’s day. Only a little late!
Thanks for joining me here at the barnyard! We are having so many babies these days! It is so fun. I will try to get you all caught up on pictures.
I will have miniature austrailian shepherd puppies and my last litter of poodle puppies available in about 3 weeks.
One last darling Dalmatian is still available!
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