From the Barnyard
Diablo - the haunted

I just had to do it!

With a name like Diablo - I figured he better get into the Halloween spirit - whether he liked it or not.



We have more pony painting plans! Come check it out here at the Barnyard!
Trick-or-Treat a little early!
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Just horsing around
Welcome friends...

Somedays you just need to spend some time in the arena.

With Jet and Rocket and two fabulous kids!

Jet was sold to us as a "cowboy" horse, a bronc and one you really needed to keep worn down.

I guess we were successful at that.


And Rocket was gentle, but never tried out. So we tried him and we were very glad we did.

Happy kids, happy horses.

Helpful puppy.

Life is grand.

Come back and join us again here at the Barnyard. We'll leave the light on for ya!
Animals aren't our whole lives but they make our lives whole.
Ok - well at our house they are a VERY big part of our lives!

Look at Sammy. Isn't she regal, and gorgeous and cuddly and lovely?

Empty Shadows - One of the two most asked about horses on our place.

Short Straw is the other one. You can see why. So beautiful!

This is Misty a 16-year-old blue roan quarter horse mare for sale. She's papered and loves people. Please call 307-254-3968. Video below.
** update - Misty is sold.
So proud of my little cowgirl!

Ahhh - if this doesn't make you want to come visit us at the barnyard, I'm not sure what would. It was a lovely fall day yesterday when I snapped this photo.
Please come again! We'll be watching for you.
<< Next Horsing around ^^ Back to the Top ^^ Prev. Courage >>
Courage is being scared to death...

Hey friends, where is John Wayne when we need him?

Oh I am loving these images I captured the other day. I am not sure which is my favorite. I love the pictures, but to me, it is so much more.
That is Bandit on the left, then Booger, Dental Plan and Shadow. Then ol' Short Straw on the right. I could write copiously on the virtues and characteristics of each of these boys.

So to me, it isn't just a pretty picture, it is a family portrait of sorts.
But a very lovely one! I love my boys. Kicking Bird snuck in for this one.

We have tons of pictures like this hanging on our walls or in our photo albums. People ask, "Who is this? Your brother?"
Well my nearest and dearest know this is Johnny Rebel. (And that there is no way my brothers would be sitting on a bucking horse.) But most people don't think of the picture being about the horse, they think it is the cowboy we are framing.
Wrong! I can't even tell for sure who the cowboy is in this picture. But the big red horse is my Johnny Rebel! Love that boy!
Just a different view I guess.

And speaking of views, let me share this with you! ** Warning ** It is a gripe! I bought this jacket from a Western clothing store. From a brand that markets to western people. I loved it! The color was perfect, the size just a bit big and comfy, the liner soft and cozy.
Then I fed hay in it.
I don't think I will ever, ever, EVER get all the little bits of grass/oats/alfalfa out. EVER. Why make clothes for people that work with livestock that will grab the hay and hold it? With as much as hay costs, I need every mouthful to go to my animals! Not stuck to my coat!!!
<< Next - Portraits ^^ Back to the Top ^^ Prev. - Keeping Up >>
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Keeping up
Hello friends, I hope you are having a fabulous day!

As much as I want to ignore it, deny it and rant against it, fall is here. And so far it is NOT a beautiful Indian Summer type fall. Though we've been lucky here in the Big Horn Basin, we see images of terrible losses in the Black Hills of South Dakota, my birth state. Friends from Casper were three or four days without power. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you as you struggle through this rough road.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. I love the beautiful, golden rays of a fall sunset.

Gidget is becoming such a great friend. She is now 3 months old and tearing up the barnyard, but still isn't too big to cuddle on mom's lap!

Coming home from Thermopolis last Sunday. Love the colors of the green field, red hills and the white snow. Love the warm water pools. If you haven't visited the natural hot springs in Thermopolis, Wy, try to get there.

Another sign of fall is that people are parting with their horse. Hay prices are going down this winter, thankfully, but families that are forced to relocate because of jobs, home sales, etc. have sold us some fabulous horses.
Dick brought home about 8 horses the other day. All look like they will be kind, gentle, good ones. We rode this gray gelding we are calling Eliot. I rode him, Addie rode him. He is good. He is solid. He is 12-years-old, 15.3 hh and a TB/QH type. I haven't talked to Dick about price yet, so if you are interested in Eliot, give Dick a call at 307-272-4083.
** Update ** Eliot is sold.
I figure I can ride at least one horse a night before I have to start on chores before it gets dark. So I will be posting more horses for sale in the days to come.
If you can feed a horse this winter, I suggest checking these out! They are good ones, but we would like to move them before winter sets in! They will be priced to sell! Give me a call if you are looking for something! Erin 307-254-3968
Thanks so much for joining us here at the barnyard. I have so much I want to share with you! Please come back soon!
<< Next - Courage << ^^ Back to the top ^^ >>Previous Nature >>
Close to nature...

Look at these boneheads! They are always wanting to know what is going on. Nosey, nosey!

They eat a lot of hay.

Like my boots? I got them on sale. Want to know why I an standing ON TOP of the hay?

Over the years I have learned that many, many little creatures like hay stacks. Some of them are cute and cuddly. We've seen ducks hatch, found baby kitties and spotted many, many deer while loading hay.
Mice love hay stacks, and so do crickets it seems like. There was even a field down near the habitat that was literally crawling with daddy long legs spiders.
But I have been lucky enough to never, never, never find a snake.
Until yesterday.

No, I didn't get a picture of it, I was too busy climbing for higher ground.
And yes it was only a little water snake and he was more afraid of me than I was of him. And blah, blah, blah!
Dick laughed at me, until he realized I was really, REALLY not going to lift anymore of the bottom bales!

It was such a nice day! We had to have a fire and make s'mores!

It was lovely and perfect. All we needed was Uncle Matt to play his guitar so we could sing.

My boots again. Maybe I have found a new obsession. Sorry.

I traveled around the county with Dick the last several days taking pictures of his listings for his new and improved West Agency Real Estate page. Wait till you see it! I am excited!

I did shoot some lovely images!

Yes, it is fall in the Big Horn Basin!
Thank you for visiting the Barnyard! Come back soon, we really love your company!
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