The Dalmatian dog is a regal, loyal friend and companion. Bred to run along side a horse, they are the original carriage dog. That is how they got started as the fire dogs. They ran along side the firetruck when they were pulled by a team of horses.
Made famous by Disney's 101 Dalmatians and recognized as a firedog, and in the Budweiser commercials, the Dalmatian is the only truly spotted dog breed.
If you have questions about these beautiful dogs please feel free to give me a call! 307-254-3968




Delilah went to preschool to teach about fire safety.
Dalmatians known as firedogs, and famous for Budweiser commercials are actually great companion dogs for horse back rides. They were bred to run along side a horse to guard carriages from robbers. They naturally like horses and their instinct demands they run along side and keep pace with a horse. Over the years, as fire trucks were pulled by horses, the dalmatian dog was right long side keeping pace.
Made popular by the Disney movie, many people thought they needed a spotted puppy. Unscrupulous breeders and irresponsible buyers brought about an unfortunate circumstances that gave these fabulous dogs somewhat of a bad reputation.
My Dalmatians are family ranch raised in Wyoming and have fabulous personalities. For people who aren’t familiar with them, I describe them as spotted labs without all the slobber.
They have pointing and retrieving instincts and can be used for hunting dogs.
They are smart and active making them a great choice for therapy dogs, agility dogs or about any other job you may have.
If you are a rider and want a dog to run along, but not nip heels, a Dalmatian might be a great choice for you.
Dalmatian Puppy blog posts