From the Barnyard
Spring, glorious spring!
March 22, 2015
In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt!
~ Margaret Atwood

The weather has been so fabulous we have been outside as much and we could the last few weeks!

My kiddos are getting to be good hands!

I’m getting Honey, my Fjord mare rode a bit.

And I’m really liking her!

Jewel got to go riding with us and is learning what it means to be a cowdog!

And I got this fabulous photo of her. I can stare into this dog’s eyes endlessly! They fascinate me!

Guess what came in?! My new cards and I love them!

Guess what else came?! Holy shmoly they are cute!

Cat fight!
Thank you so much for joining me! If you want to be among the first to know about my new arrivals shoot me an email and ask to be put on my email list!
Please come back soon!
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Wordless Wednesday
March 16, Trail ride above Big Horn Lake, Lovell, Wyoming.










Thank you so much for swinging by the Barnayrd! I am still working on getting everything updated on my web page! I have some new horses I need to list. So thank you for your patience and I’ll be talking to you soon!
<< Spring, glorious spring! ^^ Back to the Top ^^ Prev. - A walk with the Toys>>
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A walk with the Toys
March 1, 2016
The other day Addie and I took some of the dogs for a walk. We brought along most of the toy sized dogs. And I thought these photos might be a good opportunity for me to introduce you to some of our smaller dogs.

This is Riley and Gidget. I raised both these girls. Riley is a Dolly x Buddy girl. Gidget is her cousin and half sister. She is a Kelsey x Buddy girl. I think you can see the family resemblance.

Hottie has been here on the ranch for about a year and a half. She came from Oklahoma. She is the mother of Dick’s dog Holly.

This good looking guy is Porter. He came from Oklahoma with Hottie.

Meet Oakie Joe. He is our newest male dog who also came from Oklahoma. Dick picked him up for me when he was down in Guthrie for the Bucking horse sale in January.

I love taking my dogs and my camera for walks. I try to get good photos of everyone, even if they get muddy!

They enjoy the smells and the exercise!

And get to act just like ranch dogs should! (Even if they are super handsome ranch dogs!)

The horses always wonder what the heck is going on while we walk through the pasture.

And just when I thinkI have all of my pups in a row...

Lined up...

For the perfect Facebook cover photo...

Someone springs ahead and lands right on my lap!
While I am making introductions let me present Rocky and Bullwinkle (Bull for short). They are Dick’s pups out of his female Holly. After much consideration (Dick wanted to keep them both) he has decided to put them up for sale.
So if you are interested in learning more about these two pups please click here.
Thank you so much for swinging by the Barnayrd! I am still working on getting everything updated on my web page! I have some new horses I need to list. So thank you for your patience and I’ll be talking to you soon!
<< WW A trail ride above BHL ^^ Back to the Top ^^ Prev. - Happy Leap Day!>>
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