My crazy home on the range. Miniature/Toy Australian Shepherd Puppies, Dalmatian Puppies & Horses for sale. Lovell, Wyoming Ranch
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We did ~ Mr. & Mrs. Paumer
Miniature Heelers Heelers
Lovell Wy
Cowpoke Corner Kennels
PO Box 311
Lovell, Wy
Erin Paumer
May 22, 2015
I asked my friend Ramie Edwards to come do a portrait session with me and my family.
And Ramie Delivered!
She got some fabulous ones of the Kiddos!
Of course my kids know how to pose for a camera!
They’ve been my models all their lives!
It is a little harder with me. I belong behind the camera, not in front of it! And ol’ Booger wasn’t that thrilled about his modeling career either.
But Ramie got some great photos of me that I can use here and on Facebook.
She made it look so calm and peaceful and professional….
When really, this is what the photoshoot really looked like!
Thank you Ramie! I really treasure these photos!
And if anyone is looking for a photographer in this area - I highly recommend her! Check out her beautiful web page - just click here.
And look at my beautiful birthday cake! Cammy and my Little Cowgirl worked on it together. Very secretively! Best - Cake - Ever! Thank you Cammy!
And what a wonderful birthday! Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes!
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