From the Barnyard
Hey Raja, do you wanna build a snowman?

The weather was fine today! So I took Raja and Nova up for a photoshoot. Raja is so beautiful and photogenic!

My perfect little blue model!

With cold little paws!

Nova was a little harder to take photos of.

He loves to sit near my feet.

And if he’s not sitting near me he is speeding like a bullet!
I got some good photos! But what I really wanted to share with you today are the outtakes!

What the heck is going on here? Is Nova licking Matthew’s feet as they go running past?
I dunno!

And then there is this. The ultimate double play photobomb! I’m going to just leave it here with this one!

“Hey Raja, do you wanna build a snowman?”
Or is he making Raja into a snowman?
Thank you so much for stopping by the barnyard for a visit today! Click through to see more about the puppies!
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Wyoming Sushi Roll Tutorial
December 28, 2016
For a bunch of red necks from Wyoming my family is very fond of sushi. California rolls in particular.
My brother Jared taught Addie to make these rolls on Easter of 2015.
And now whenever there is a family get-together or special occasion we like to make some sushi rolls. Christmas 2015

This year my family is all gathered at a beach house in Oregon. I couldn’t go this time around. (I’m in the middle of moving and building a house, and raising puppies and… well more on that later. But I stayed home.)
Part of my sister, Beth’s, Christmas present from me was all the tools and most of the ingredients to make sushi. So I promised her I would put together a tutorial for her so that she could visit and make sushi all on her own.
Start with sushi rice. I buy mine on amazon. Make sure to rinse it several times till the water around the rice is clear. (This is the step I forgot a couple times and trust me your sushi will NOT be good unless you remember to rinse your rice!)
After cooking the rice according to directions, pour it into a large bowl while one person fans it, another stirs it. As the rice is stirred and cooled add the sushi rice dressing a little at a time. (Click on the pictures for more thorough directions)
Dressing for sushi rice recipe
2-2/3 cups sushi rice or short-grain rice
2-1/2 cups water
3 tbs. rice vinegar
2 tbs. sugar
1-1/2 tsp salt
Cover the sushi mat with plastic. Keep a bowl of water handy to rinse fingers and keep rice from sticking to your knife.
Slice and enjoy! Serve with soy sauce, wasabi and siracha. Have fun playing with ingredients. (These photos are from the click on the photos for additional instructions.)
I made a surf and turf with home raised beef tenderloin, shrimp, carrots and avocado that I think was about as good as any roll I’ve had.
Jared made one with BBQed wild boar meat he called the piggly wiggly that was darn good too!
Here is a nice video to help.
Thank you for joining me here at the barnyard! Be sure to check out the puppies! And stop back again soon, I am going to be filling you in on all the moving and house plans! So exciting I can’t hardly wait of you to see it.
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Christmas time again
December 14, 2016

It is that time of year again! Christmas!

We are in the middle of moving, and preparing to build a house, and living out of boxes. So Christmas is being done a little differently this year.
Since there wasn’t room in the house for a tree, we put one up at the dog kennels.
“Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!”
Yeah, we do it a little different around here. Which brought to mind a lot of other Christmas songs we do a little differently here too.

"Jingle Bulls, Jingle Bulls!"

Like “Dashing through the snow, In a one “dog” open sleigh!"

“Oh the weather outside is frightful,"

“But the fire is so delightful,"

“And since we’ve no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!"

“Silent night… Holy night…”
Thank you so much for joining us here at the barnyard! I hope you have enjoyed our interpretation of Christmas carols, while you are here, be sure to watch the videos below of some kids’ interpretation of the Christmas story! I think these are the best things I have seen in forever!
Thank you for visiting, come back soon!
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