From the Barnyard
When you give your goat a bath...
October 29, 2014

Sometimes when you are a Little Cowgirl with two cute goats...

You just have to give your goat a bath.

But when you give your goat a bath...

All the dogs stand around and watch.

And your goat thinks he needs to escape.

So you have to catch your goat and carry him...

Back to finish his bath.

But when you give one goat bath, you have to give the other goat a bath.

And when you give your other goat a bath he will try to escape.

So you must catch him and finish the bath.

But mostly when you give your goat a bath…
You both get wet.

Gidget says, “No way! I’m not next! I am already wet enough!”

Thanks for joining me here at the barnyard! Time is running out on my Wyoming Fall Horse sale and we are down to one last horse. Frankie is still available. All the rest sold. I am offering Frankie for a limited time at the rock bottom price. This offer lasts till October31. So give me a call at 307-254-3968. Click here to learn more about Frankie.

In other news, we had a fabulous litter of 10 mini aussie pups on October 21, 2014. They are a Kelsey x Chief cross. They should be between 14-16”. They will be ready for pick up on December 2 (My brother Matt’s birthday!) Both Kelsey and Chief are very smart affectionate dogs that just want pets all the time. Both have good working instincts and have medium to low energy levels (for stock dogs.) Click here to learn more about this litter of Wyoming ranch raised Miniature Australian Shepherd puppies for sale.

And back by popular demand we had a litter of Miniature Aussiedoodles. They are mini aussie x mini/toy poodle. Low shedding but smart, playful and loyal. These should be between 12-15” tall when grown. Give me a call if you want to learn more about these cuties or click here to send me an e-mail. (I don’t have a page set up for them yet.) Thanks! Erin 307-254-3968.
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Diablo the Haunted - an Oldie
October 14, 2014
I actually painted Diablo last Halloween, but it is worth sharing again! An oldie but a goodie! Enjoy! From October 21, 2013

I just had to do it!

With a name like Diablo I figured he better get in the Halloween Spirit ~

Whether he liked it or not!

And truthfully,


He did not!
But he did look pretty darn cool when he was standing out in the pasture!
Thanks for stopping by the barnyard. Hope you enjoyed Diablo’s costume! Wait till you see what we have planned for this year! It’s going to be great!!
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I would love to hear from you! What are you dressing up your herd as this year for Halloween? Email me pictures or post them to my facebook page! I can’t wait to see what your plans are!
From the Funny Farm
September 2, 2014

Well, after posting the Wyoming Fall Horse Sale the other day I have been busy fielding horse sale phone calls, texts, e-mails and Facebook messages. I have had a chance to meet some really great people! And then, I have “met" some people that I hope to never have to deal with ever again for forever and ever, amen!
So it is time to have some fun and let loose with some laughter!
Good thing I live on the funny farm!

Yesterday I was fixing my face and applying makeup. I could not find my blush. I looked everywhere, but to no avail. I figured I would find it later.
Then this morning I was again applying my war paint, when the elusive blush still did not show up I turned to my Little Cowgirl in desperation, “Have you seen my blush by any chance in the world?”
A guilty look creeped across her face and she said, “MayyyyBeeee.”
She scampered out and returned a minute later with it in hand. “What were you doing with it?” I asked.
"I was using it on my Peacock.”
Seriously. On her live peacock. She was using my new Avon blush to play beauty parlor with her pea hen!
Welcome to the funny farm!

I love this. I just had to share it with all of you! Whoever took the photo and made the meme, my hat’s of to you.

So the Native Boy was in the back seat of the car the other day when he shouts up to me very excited, “Hey look mom, the corner of the page in my Bible is bent back, God must want me to read this page!”
I loved the enthusiasm and was excited to find out what special lesson God had in store for us, “Well read it to me honey,” I responded.
So the Native Boy cleared his throat and began, “The son of Noah, the son of Lamech, the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel, the son of Kenan, the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam….”
And on it went. The Native boy read it all enthusiastically and heart felt and at the end he said, “Well I’m not sure what it means, but I know God wanted me to read it.”
Yes, it is impossible to doubt His presence when I am surrounded by so many miracles!

Ba - dumb - bumb - ching!

My kids and The Girls were on you tube the other day, I got my computer back and this is what was playing. I was torn between slapping myself on the forehead and rolling on the floor laughing. Really? Really!?


A couple weeks ago, my Little Cowgirl’s Sidekick came over to ride horses with us. Sidekick loves horses, but had not had much opportunity to ride on her own. So we saddled old Jet and took them up to the arena. Little Cowgirl rode Biggie Blue (her three year old thoroughbred horse) and I rode Geronimo.
Sidekick, not having spent much time in the saddle was uncomfortable with a trot. She said it hurt her tailgate. So Little Cowgirl encouraged her to try a lope, assuring her it was much more comfortable. After some debate it was settled and Sidekick was ready to bump it up a notch, speed wise.
Geronimo and I took the lead letting the girls fall into line behind us. After we hit stride I called back over my shoulder, “How does that feel, Sidekick?”
Over the thunder of hooves I hear in a tremulous voice, “It … Feels… Terrifying!!!!”

Thanks for stopping by the barnyard. Hope you had a giggle! Join us next time to see what kind of shenanigans we’ve been up to!
To see the horses we have for sale here at our Wyoming ranch click here.
Check out the Dalmatian puppies for sale. I have a video up and going enjoy!
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I would love to hear from you! Tell us about your shenanigans at your funny farm!