August 27, 2015
Facebook told me yesterday was National Dog Day.

But you know everyday around here is Dog Day!

They are just our life!
But I thought I’d use the holiday as an excuse to update you on all the exciting things we have to look forward to this fall!
Gidget and Chief will be having their third litter! We’ve kept back one of their pups and she is such a beauty!
Elvis and Delilah will be having a litter. (I never saw the “action” but her tummy is getting bigger! Definite Baby Bump!)
And Fancy (the pup we kept from Gidget x Chief litter) will have her very first litter this fall as well!
This is the father of Fancy’s litter. He is toy sized Championed show dog from Oklahoma and is just super cute! But I haven’t taken many pictures of him. I better get my camera out! Say “Cheese" Porter!

Yes everyone is jumping for joy!
Except maybe my computer programmer/web designer (who just happens to be me) because I am STILL having trouble with my email links from this page! I think I have the issue resolved. BUT if you try to email me and don’t get a response, please call me! 307-254-3968. Thanks so much for your patience and understanding!
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