My dad has a huge garden and vinyard in Worland.

I mean huge! Here are some grapes.

I love this photo of the garlic!

His new toy. I think it needs a name! What should we call it?

Peaches and Cream with Sugar on Top!

Little garden helper.

Love the blackberries!

Pretty huh?

mmm! The cantalope is nearly ready!

The onions are beautiful and taste as good as they look!

Have you ever tried Patty Pan squash? I love it!

Love baby reds! Stop by and check out my dad's web page at
Farmer's Market Schedule
Wednesday - 4:30-6:30 at True Value, Worland
Thursday - 4:30 - 6:30 at the Marathon Building, Cody
Saturday - 8:30-11:30 Pioneer Square, Worland
Or call him at 307-388-0708.
Thanks for joining us here at the barnyard!
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