September 3

I don’t want to you get the idea that life is all work and no play around here.

So I thought I better share some “play” pictures. A while ago a great neighbor gave Aiden a sailboat. And since my friend and I always tease about buying a sailboat and sailing away, I thought this would be perfect!

Turns out I know NOTHING about sailboats! Good thing I travel with MILES of baling twine.
BTW I prefer the term “lifeline” to “anchor" here.

The kids had gone to Dubois to watch the eclipse. So we met mom at Boysen reservoir and had a great time floating around one last time before school started.

Just two weeks later Dad suggested a trip to the lake and we headed up to Big Horn Lake.

And we hoped that Jane could give us some sailing lessons.

Turns out the ONE thing that can make the wind quit blowing in Wyoming is me and a sailboat. But we had lots of fun anyway!

Now back to the grind and even if there is a lot of work to be done around here, at least the view from my office is pretty sweet!

One final giggle.
I have announced my latest puppies to my email notifications list. I will be posting any remaining pups here Tuesday. If you want to be on my email list please shoot me an email and let me know!
Addie and I are working on getting some more horses posted!
Thank you so much for stopping by! Please come back soon!
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