November 19, 2014

I am snowed in.
Not really, nothing like New York! But I am pretending I am because it is cold and I am ready to settle in for a long winter’s hibernation.
The highest the temps have reached in the last 10 days is 12 °f.

I don’t know who took this photo, but it is so fun! And just in case you are wondering, we are 59 miles from Cody. Where does that leave us, do you think?

Since it is Thursday - I thought I would share this Throw-Back-Thursday with you. You can see all the ones I have published here. I am thinking I need to reorganize the page somehow as I get more and more. Have any suggestions for me? Should I make a slideshow? Or just let the page go on and on and on… Kind of like this sentence?

One last funny! I don’t know who made it, but I love it! (Oh the things I find on Pinterest!)
Well thank you for joining me here at the barnyard. It has been a crazy, mixed-up, confused and random post for the day. It is pretty much just how life is, I think. Be sure to enter the contest! And we will be talking to you soon! Erin
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