February 4, 2016

I had three girls who really wanted to ride last Friday, (even though it was only about 20 degrees outside.) So we headed down to the pasture to pick up a couple mares.

We were just heading to the barn to get the horses all tacked up when, we heard this noise….

Look what we found! (Photo by Lily)

We took her in the house and got her all cleaned up and dried off and warmed up. And loved up!

She is just as cute as she can be! The girls name her Caramel.
Here’s a viedo for you. ** the sound is loud, but worth a listen.

Welcome to the barnyard little Cara!

Even if you are only knee high to a barn cat.

We think you are as cute as a bug!


Another goat had two more babies!
Addie told me she liked this picture of me.
“The goat really compliments your eyes.”
I guess I’ll take that. And accessorize with livestock more often.
So here you are with another Silly Selfie, I will spare you the Sonnet.
Thank you for stopping by the barnyard! February Fun has begun!
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