January 6, 2014

Happy New Year from all of us here at the Barnyard! My friend Ramie Edwards took this lovely photo of my family that was going to be our Christmas card. But I didn’t order them soon enough, so they became our New Year’s Card.
Hey, it works, Jack.
If you want to contact Ramie you can find her on Facebook at Facebook.com/Ramie.Edwards.7 she is super fun to work with and very talented! Thank you Ramie!

We had a very Merry Christmas. We went here and there and did this and that and ate and laughed and talked and had so much fun everywhere!

My kiddos had a ton of fun and got everything they had on their wish list and more!

My Little Cowgirl told me right before Christmas that Santa was going to bring her customized halters with her horses’ names on them.

So Santa got her elf on! They aren’t quite the leather ones with copper name plates like they have on Heartland but she was pretty happy with them anyway! Thank goodness.

Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Mine consist of looking out in the pasture and saying, “I’m going to ride this one and this one and this one. And halter break this one and this one and this one!”
Oh and get organized and loose weight and live healthier and… You know all the other good stuff!

All the puppies from the 10-21-14 litter found their homes. The last two going the day after Christmas. One went to northern North Dakota and the other to Alabama! Talk about polar opposites!
We are expecting another litter any time now. I have one Mini Aussie mother dog in the house right now on “puppy watch” and I will be bringing Rainy in on watch in a week or two. She is due at the end of the month. So we should have quite a few Miniature Australian Shepherd puppies for sale to choose from here in Wyoming in no time at all!

I hope you all had a super fabulous holiday season! I hope 2015 brings you good times and blessings! And I hope you come back and visit us soon here at The Barnyard! Thank you so much guys!
And Welcome 2015! It’s going to be fabulous!
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