November 30, 2014

These are the puppies from the 10-21-14 Mini Aussie litter out of Chief and Kelsey. They are nearly 6-weeks-old and I took them out for their midday potty break here a couple days ago. This was their first snow.

They weren’t too sure about it at first. I didn't blame them.

Caballo is telling us what he thinks about this!

Remington is curious.

Tippet is checking things out while Autumn sniffs the snow.

Lightning and Sadie look at me questioningly. Lightning is our last available female from this litter. She is the quiet, shy one with an adorable face!

Autumn is a pretty little girl.

Blackie says his toes are cold! Blackie is the last remaining male available.

Caballo is a perfect little snowflake catcher.

Ozzy takes it all in stride. Quietly looking around.

Zailey looks up at me wondering what to do.

Moments later she can’t see a thing!
Available - Blackie - black tri male Miniature Australian Shepherd, family ranch raised right here in Wyoming. Good working blood lines, 14-16” tall. $600. Please call 307-254-3968. For more puppy information click here.
Available - Lightning - black tri female Miniature Australian Shepherd, family ranch raised right here in Wyoming. Good working blood lines, 14-16” tall. $700. Please call 307-254-3968. For more puppy information click here.
Thank you for joining us here at the barnyard! Hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving! Please stop by again!
Be sure to check out our Annual Wyoming Christmas Pony sale here at Cowpoke Corner.
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