From the Barnyard
Dalmatian Puppies
The Dalmatian puppies welcome you to the barnyard! They are getting so big! I took them out for a photo shoot yesterday and we had total, complete and utterly enjoyable puppy madness! I loved it!

There are a few things these pups need to learn living here on a Wyoming ranch.

One is to know who your friends are.

There is a difference between the nice cat...

(We are going to use the word “nice” a little freely here.)

And the not so nice cat.

C’mon Tag, read the field, read the field.

Oh and Iron Man takes one for the team. (Notice this is the “not so nice" cat. Not the mean cat. I think the puppies figured that one out pretty quickly.)

This is Banjo, he will be moving to Utah and spending his weekends and days off at a ranch in Colorado.

This is Stirling.

And Tag, they get to stay together forever with an amazing woman in Kansas.

Iron Man is headed to North Dakota. He is Mr. Playful.

And this darling just melts my heart. Scooter is going to be a Montana dog. Ahh I just love her.

Can you tell by the million or so pics I got of her.

But how can I resist this little gal?

Scooter is taking off with the cat in hot pursuit while Stirling looks on.

I don’t know, you just have to love all the spots, wagging tails and a grumpy cat!

And don’t even ask me what Banjo is doing here, just being a dog I guess. He tends to be the happy go lucky, yet not so coordinated one of the bunch.

Yep here he is trying to pull himself back on the porch after falling partway off. Cutie Scooter just daintily walks down the stairs.

While Super Tag is flying down!

And what do you suppose Iron Man and the cat are up to here?

One more wrestle pic. I just love them.

The Western Original just pulled into the drive. Look at his welcome!

Yep coming home to this welcome “waggin” isn’t too bad at all!
Thanks for joining us here at the barnyard! It has been fun playing with the Dalmatian Puppies! If you are interested in one of these family ranch raised Dalmatian puppies for sale here at Lovell, Wyoming, please give me a call! 307-254-3968. Thanks Erin!
For more Dalmatian information click here.
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Yeah, I work out...

Here is a little country wisdom I have learned.
#1 You can’t go to the August Pony sale at BLS with a 6-year-old girl and expect to NOT come home with a mini horse.
#2 Sea Salt, Caramel and chocolate may be the best flavor combination in the history of forever!
#3 You don’t make a quick stop at the co-op during chick days with an 8-year-old girl without coming home with a chicken. Or 7.

Meet Pearl. (Named after my grandmother.)
She is the cutest, sweetest, nicest chick you will ever meet in your life. Just ask my little chicken wrangler.
She turned my quick stop at the co-op into a full out afternoon adventure. Thanks Pearl.

I think the chicken wrangler might have a future in pet photography. I like the staging here.

The weather has been so much nicer! So we went for a walk. Or a muddy slog. However you want to phrase it.

My herd came running to greet us. I was hoping to capture one of those majestic horse galloping pictures we all love.
But to me the horses just look like a bunch of goons.
Maybe it is just because I know them.

Maybe it is because they are just a big bunch of goons.
I think probably.

Addie and Biggie Blue found each other right away.

Bandit gets in there for some head scratching action.

I was watching the dozen or so dogs we took with us.
Pure craziness.
That was Friday.

Saturday the kids went fishing with grampa Mark. So The Western Original decided it was a good time to go get a load of hay.
Banjo, the dalmatian puppy, came along to entertain me. This was the two of us before the load of hay. All fresh and smiles.

And here is after the load of hay.
My muscles are aching. I am sweaty. I am covered in hay leaves.
Lovely huh.
This is my “Oh you go to the gym, that’s cute” picture.

I am on top of the load waiting for the Western Original to send the tie-downs over the load.
I took a selfie.
I think there is a chance I may need to get a new hoodie.

We are loaded and heading home.

This is how Banjo looked.
This is how I felt.
And that was Saturday…. There is still Sunday.
Join us soon here at the barnyard! Oh my favorite time of year is just around the corner and the days get filled with more and more barnyard fun!
Wyoming horses for sale click here.
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