From the Barnyard
This is Life
April 26, 2016

And this is how things can get crazy in a hurry around here!
Spring time is here - sort of- like how Wyoming spring time rolls around. With damp weather and lots of wind. We saw a break in the cool and decided we’d better get some studs gelded before it got yucky again.
So Saturday found Addie, Dick and I at the rodeo grounds doing some “brain surgery.” We did about a half dozen studs and thought we had put in a good day’s work!
(Aiden had a track meet.)

Then Sunday hit. I needed to make my Walmart run, Dick had some horses to look at up near Cody and Aiden really, really wanted a meatball sub! So to the city we went!
Dick looked at a couple nice fat mares that were supposed to be the riding type. (Actually the one in question is supposed to be a kid horse… Verdict is still out on that one!)
After price was agreed upon Dick took the mare and put her in the trailer. While he was tying her she pulled back and pop! There went the end of his ring finger on his right hand. Just that quick and it really flew too!
So we headed to the ER. (After I gathered the poor little end of the finger just in case.) And spent a good 4 hours there before Dick was released. We decided it would be a better option to go with an amputation than try to reconnect the severed end.

His surgery was scheduled for Monday. Back in Cody. The finger had been broke off somewhere right below the nail, they wanted to go in and smooth down that bone so there wouldn’t be any sharp edges under his skin, make sure there wouldn’t be any weird finger nail growth and stitch the skin back together.
After something like 10 hours at the hospital (most of that time waiting) Dick was all patched up and feeling fine. So fine the thought of me driving the truck and trailer home terrified him. (So at least he's still got some common sense) But next time he needs surgery I think I'm going to take him to the vet. They've done lots of amputations for me. And much quicker about it too.
So in the mean time - Puppies!
Thank you all for your support and understanding! Your prayers and well wishes you are the best! (And your patience about puppy pictures.)
It has been cool and windy here, so I took puppies to Dick’s real estate office where we had some fabulous sunshine coming in the windows that was great to film in. I gave the pups colored collars so you could tell who is who and then I filmed. I hope you enjoy!
Pink - Lilo (was Squirt), Green - Chief, Blue - Revelry (was Dispatch), Teal - Siren, Purple - Nika (was Blaze), Red - Snoopy (was Engine)
If this video won’t play here this is the direct youtube link:
Pink - Annabelle, Purple - Jezebelle, Green - Louie (was Leroy), Teal - Luke (was Jed), Red - Rocco (was Grainger), Blue - Remi (was Amos), No collars - Maci (was Josey) and Barret and Haley.
Haley is the last available puppy (as of 2-26-16.)
If this video won’t play here this is the direct youtube link:
Dick is healing up well, and I am trying to keep him from using his hand! Harder said than done. But please, please be patient with me, I was sort of pretty busy before, but for the next couple weeks I am going to have to do all my work and all of Dick’s too!
So please help me stay on top of things. I will be honest and tell you I haven’t got the mail since like last Thursday (I am going to do that tomorrow!) So if your pup hasn’t been marked deposit paid, give me 24 hours. Then check with me.
And please remind me ahead of time when you plan to come pick up your pup. I have every intention of getting things quite organized very shortly… but again. I think I will work on that tomorrow!
Thanks so much for stopping by the barnyard. I hope you enjoyed seeing the pups. I will keep you updated on Dick’s progress! Till next time!
<< Next - Dalmatian Puppies in May ^^ Back to the Top ^^ Prev. - Rodeo Season is Starting!>>
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Rodeo Season is Starting!
April 21, 2016

The first rodeo of the season is just a little over a week away! Can you believe it? We are so excited!
(Remember Leap Year has made this rodeo season even later to start.)

The Cowley Spring Rodeo is the first rodeo of the season. It is always the first Saturday of May! We cross our fingers for nice weather.
Look at Billy the Kid jump and kick! He is one of my absolute favorites!

Next we travel to Greybull for the Days of ’49 Rodeo. That will be the Evening of June 10th this year. (My sister’s birthday)
Scott and JT Collingwood are our pick up men and Greybull is their hometown rodeo.

Next - one of our favorite events of the year! Rodeo Bible Camp in Meeteetse. That is scheduled for June 14 - 16 this year. It is for girls and boys ages 8-18. I highly recommend it! The kids have a blast and learn a ton. You’ll be hard pressed to find a better rodeo school in the state, or even the country!

Everyone has fun at RBC even the pick up horses!
Comment your caption for this pic below in the comments section! Surely someone has a good one for me to use. That’s Ian Ferguson riding his horse in a war bridle.

Rodeo Bible Camp is always a blast! The instructors are awesome! This is Sylvan LaCross the bareback rider instructor/bull fighter, being a goof.

But the kids learn a ton! My kids can’t wait to go back! Here is the post from last year.

Then - - We will finish up the month of June right here at home with the Lovell Mustang Days Rodeo. We’ve been working really hard to make this year a really good one!
Hope you are able to join us! Thank you so much for visiting! Come back soon!
<< This is Life ^^ Back to the Top ^^ Prev. - First Foal of 2016>>
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First foal 2016
April 20, 2016

The first foal was born last Wednesday, April 13, 2016. And I don’t think he’s bucking horse bred!

He’s just an itty bitty guy!

About the same size as the rooster.

His name is Kyle, (like the “dog” on Despicable me.)

Addie is pretty happy with him!

And I must admit I am quite happy with him too!
Thank you for joining me here at the barnyard! I hope you rehabbing a wonderful day!
<< Rodeo Season is Starting! ^^ Back to the Top ^^ Prev. - Miniature Australian Shepherd Puppies>>
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Mini Aussie Pups are Here!
April 13, 2016
Finally the Mini Aussie pups are here! I think our last litter was was back in November. Darn it. We were ready for aussie pups! And what a great time to get a puppy! Going right into spring! And Rainy delivered and absolutely beautiful bunch! Not a mismark in ALL 9!
Please let me introduce you to Rainy’s March 18, litter of beautiful mini/toy aussie pups!

Sold -Amos - $800 (pending deposit)

Annabelle - sold (Pending deposit)

Jezebel (was Babs) Sold (pending deposit)

Barrett - $800

Sold - Grainger - $800 (pending deposit)

Haley - $650

Sold - now Luke - Jed - $800

Maci (was Josey) Sold

Sold - Leroy - $800

Jack and Rainy are the parents! Jack is a 14” black tri blue eyed male and Rainy is a 15” blue merle female with two blue eyes.
If you are invested in these cuties please call me! They are going fast! Thank you! Erin 307-254-3968
<< First Foal 2016 ^^ Back to the Top ^^ Prev. - Mini PomerAussies>>
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Mini PomerAussies
April 11, 2016 Update - All pups are sold or pending! So happy to see them go to fabulous homes!
Cowgirl designer dogs! This is our second litter of what we like to call Cowgirl Designer Dogs! They are half miniature Australian Shepherd and half Pomeranian.
The mother is under 10lbs and the father is between 10-15lbs. These pups have the color and the smarts like their dad, the aussie and the love-everyone-you-meet characteristics of their mom the pom. These are a great option if you like the toy aussies, but they are just a little out of your price range.
These guys where born on Valentine’s Day are are now ready to go. They are tiny little stinkers, but they sure get around and have fun!
These are my daughter Addie’s pups. And she has named them all… very creatively too!
Click here to see photos of the the pup from the last litter.

Sold - Black tri female, brown eyes and docked tail - Midnight Gold - $450. She has tons of character and is totally everyones favorite!

Sold - Blue Merle Female, some blue specks in her eyes, docked tail - Midnight Star -$550. Look at this color and she has spunk to boot!

Pending - Red merle or sable merle male, with blue specks in his eyes, and natural tail and totally the calmest most laid back pup of the litter - Trinidad - $450

Sold - Sable male - natural tail, brown eyes - Dynamite - $350

Pending - Sable and white male, Spirit, a go-getter, loves people, will follow you everywhere! $350

The preschoolers from my “real” job came out for their annual farm visit this last week. Here is a sneak peak of the visit and a few pretty dad-gummed cute photos!


Midnight Gold


Midnight Star


This is their dad, Chief.

And their mom, Layla, at the County Fair being shown by Addie.
Please give me a call if you are interested in one of these little cuties! Thanks so much for stopping by the barnyard and I’ll talk to you soon! Erin 307-254-3968
<< Mini Aussie Pups are Here! ^^ Back to the Top ^^ Prev. - Spotty Puppies >>
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Spotty Puppies!
4-7-16 - Update - All Dalmatian Puppies have been spoken for. So happy to see them all going to fabulous homes!

Guess What?
Spotty Butt!
Or rather puppies with spotty bottoms!

Dalmatian puppies born 3-13-16.

And yes, it’s true what they say, they are born without spots!

At two weeks old you start to see their ears getting some more color.

At three weeks old you can see the faint shadow of what will become their spot pattern.

At three weeks old, the pattern is evident, but not yet final. They say dalmatians' spots continue to grow and get darker their whole lives. I personally don’t know that I agree with that, but they certainly continue to develop their first year long.
Meet the babies ~

Sold - Squirt - Female - smallest of the litter

Sold - (pending deposit) Engine - Male

Sold - Chief - Male

Dispatch - Male -sold

Nika - female - sold

Siren - female - sold

Dalmatian puppies are a special treat of us, we don’t have them very often. I just love their spotty faces!

Their spotty yawns!

Their spotty noses,

And their spotty toes!
Thanks for joining me here at the barnyard! It is spring time and we are starting to get the full fun of it! I think next post will be announcing mini aussie pup! These are Rainy x Jack pups. Click here to see their last batch!
Comeback soon!
<< Mini PomerAussies ^^ Back to the Top ^^ Prev. - Spring, Glorious Spring! >>
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