From the Barnyard
Ranch pups and nosey horses

We saw over 40 degrees yesterday! After a loooong haul of day time highs being in the single digits (or lower) 40 felt like heaven!
So I took the puppies out for a photoshoot and they had a blast! Hope had tons of fun running and licking up the snow.

Tabby thought the snow was fabulous! I think she may have been making snow angels, what do you think?

It was so warm I even took my coat off for a while during the photoshoot. The pups where having a blast playing on it.

When suddenly!
Woof! What’s that?! Woof!
Stumpy, Raja and Matthew went on his alert!

Oh it’s only nosey horses. Montana Millie led the investigation posse, with Old Dime coming up behind.

The boy pups went bounding forward to greet this new adventure! Matthew and Raja.

Millie, Old Dime, Raja and Matthew checked each other out. (Raja is never terribly concerned about anything. Can you tell?)

The girls went running for cover. Hope and Tabby thought there were safer feet to stand near than the horses'. (I think they may be right.)

While Dusty went to say, “Hi," to Gifford, the girls stayed safe and Raja just kept being happy-go-lucky Raja. Not a care in the world!

Meanwhile Tres asked Millie, “What are those things?”

And Old Dime said, “I know what they are! They’re puppies! Yuck!”
Hey, Dime, I think you may have something in your teeth.

Thank you for joining us here at the barnyard! Check out the available puppies! And come back soon, we sure appreciated having you!
** Check out our current available puppies here
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2017 Starts out chilly!

It was a little different Christmas than we are used to around here.

The kids got to head to the coast of Oregon with my family.

While I stayed home to take care of the horses.

And the dogs.

But I had good company.

And took some pretty pictures in the cold!

Really cold! Highs of zero on lots of days!

But it was so beautiful, (I keep reminding myself of that!)
And I did get some fabulous puppy pictures! And the cold never bothered me any, right?!
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