February 19, 2021

You guys! Lots of you know Josh, but for the few of you that don’t, meet Josh. Josh and I went to high school together in Basin. He was a senior when I was a sophomore, we had a couple classes together (both Ag classes I’m sure).

Fast forward just a little bit… we had been dating for several years when he proposed on New Year’s Eve in Deadwood in December.

We decided 2-1-21 was a good day to get hitched, so we grabbed a bouquet of flowers and headed to the courthouse.

His mom and step-dad came down from Billings, as well as my sister Beth and her family (she took all my photos, so I don’t have any of her in here, which is a shame because she looked absolutely beautiful!)

My littlest brother, Matthew was able to swing through, which was very special to me because he got married in August and I am super glad he got to be part of my special day too!

Matt and Julia Stiver

We had drinks, and chips and dip at a little Mexican restaurant in Greybull after the “ceremony” but plan to have a bigger celebration later this year when the weather is nicer and I can get something fun planned!

Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing in my very exciting news! We are all so happy and excited!
I hope to be announcing mini aussie puppies here soon and Dalmatian puppies in a little bit!
If you want to be on my email list to be among the first to know about puppies click here.
Thank you so much! and hope to visit with you soon! Erin Paumer