From the Barnyard
My Quiet South Paw
May 23, 2018

South is my little introvert puppy. He is sold.

I used to think he was independent or a loner.

Now I just realize he’s my introvert. And I totally connect with that!

In the heat of the day he likes to nap. While all the rest of my dogs kinda like to lay as near the back door as possible, and all together, South will be happy go to a quiet part of the yard and lay in the shade. Alone.

He’ll rough house and play with the other pups, but more often I’ll find him sitting on the sidelines watching the rowdy play.

His greatest joy is when we can sneak off just the two of us and sit by the drain and watch the water and listen to the frogs and birds.

I love his beautiful eye liner and his heart shaped nose. He’s shorter and thicker than his leggy brother.

If you want to meet my quiet boy give me a call at 307-254-3968.
Thank you for joining us here at the Barnyard! Ya’ll com back, ya here!?
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My spotted ranch hand
May 22, 2018

Sold - headed to Sunny California!

He was the first in the litter to be chosen, and he went to live with a loving family for a couple weeks. He was an 18-year-old boy’s graduation present. He was spoiled and loved, potty trained and taught to walk on a leash.

Circumstance changed, the family made a hard decision and tearfully brought him back to me.

Now he hangs out at the ranch with us.

In the mornings we feed the calf and run water.

While I do my inside chores or run around in town he sleeps in a bit of shade.

He helps me with the irrigating.

And the fencing.

This kid loves to cuddle and pad around behind me. He’s never met a stranger and he is learning so much every day.

His greatest talent is finding the most comfortable place to take a nap!

Thank you for joining us here at the barnyard, please come back soon!
<< Quiet South Paw ^^ Back to the Top ^^ Prev. - Dalmatian puppies >>
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Dalmatian puppies!
May 3, 2018
I have a couple of Dalmatian puppies and they are ready to go! Such a fun, tail wagging, loving couple of puppies you will ever hope to meet!
In the stress of moving and spring on the ranch, I didn't get paper work filed so these puppies will be selling without registration papers. I don't want the head ache. So if you need something to show or breed this is not the litter for you.
But if you are looking for a companion and pet this may be the perfect opportunity for you to get a pup at a discounted price!
They are each $750.
They are ready ready to go! If you are interested in one of these sweet hearts please give me a call at 307-254-3968.

South, the lightest spotted puppy of the litter, but boy a go-getter! He is always the first one out of the kennel gate and is usually a little more independent than the rest of the puppies. (Curiously he is one of the first puppies I have ever had with a spotted tail!)


West, is kind of an in the middle kind of guy. Not the bravest, but not the quietest. Just nice and in the middle.

Thank you for stopping by! Next update will be Dalmatian puppies and I will introduce you to my newest dishwasher! See you soon!
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