From the Barnyard
Summer Fun
February 19, 2018

It is cold and snowy here. Sort of miserable really.

And the real bummer is that when you have livestock, the less you WANT to be outside, the more you NEED to be outside. Darn it.

This weather makes everyone grumpy! Including Tooth Fairy!
School was even delayed for a couple hours this morning. And the worst weather is yet to hit tonight. Brrrrr!

So I thought some summer pictures might cheer me/us up a bit? This was from July 2017 at Boysen Reservoir.

The reservoir and camp ground was pretty flooded from all the snow we got last winter. (I wonder what it will be like this year?)

We met dad and Jared down there and it was warm, but there was a storm rolling in.

Right just now, I can’t imagine being outside with a tank top on and feeling warm, especially with clouds and wind and a storm.

But clearly it was possible. And we had just enough time to enjoy the tubing before we got blown off the lake.

Those were good times, but right now I feel like doing what Angus is doing… Hibernating in my food bowl.

I just updated my puppy pictures today. There are some cuties! Check them out at my available puppies page.
Thank you so much for stopping by today. Please stay warm and be careful on icy roads! Come back soon!
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Seed bead earrings
February 16, 2018 - Happy Birthday Mom!

Winter gets loooong around here. And it gets dark and cold early in the evening. And Netflix becomes a trusted companion. But…. I hate just sitting. So I introduced myself to a new hobby.
Check out the earrings I made!

It is a little tedious, and I am quite slow… but I do love how they turn out. I call these ones Spring Blossom.

People have been asking me about them, so I decided just to do a blog post. These are called Cool Waters.

Colors Addie chose, Winter Skies.

A pair I made for a friend, I didn’t get great pics of because I was in such a hurry to get them to her. Royal Plumage.

My Valentine’s Day bling, Fire and Ice.

Colors my sister picked out, Evergreen Forest.

And a new pattern I tried last night, Autumn Bouquet.
Since people are asking, I will sell them. These two patterns will be $20/pair. I can make them to order or you can pick out a pair already made. As I said before, I am really slow… but they are tons of fun!

Thank you so much for stopping by. While you are here be sure to check out my available puppies! Come back soon!
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Luck of the Irish Puppies!

Puppies! Hey everyone check out my new puppies! Please keep in mind this blog post was created February 14, 2018. To see the most up-to-date list of available Toy and Mini Aussie pups please visit my available puppies page. In the mean time, enjoy looking at these cuties!

The first litter of 2018 was a Oaky x Skye litter born on 1-5-18 that will be ready March 2. This is a bouncing bunch of boys! They are absolutely personable and adorable. Both Skye and Oaky are toy sized dogs and I expect these boys to stay under 14" and be around 10lbs when full grown. Their father Oakie came from a well-known breeder in Oklahoma and Skye is one I raised. She is my shadow and is totally devoted to me. She has a great working instinct and a wonderful recall. She may be one of the best looking black tri dogs I have ever met.

Jamie- Black tri male out of Skye's litter. He is the smallest of the litter and has the cutest little head! Full white collar and brown eyes. Tons of personality! $950 pet price. $1,500 with full breeding rights.

Angus - Black tri male from Skye's litter. This guy is the life of the party! He can't even get through his photo shoot without sending a high five! Both eyes look like they will have blue in them. $750 pet price.

Ian- Blue merle male from Skye's litter. He has beautiful blue eyes and loves to snuggle! He has a very flashy merle pattern and will be someone's best friend. $950 pet price. $2,500 with full breeding rights.

Fergus- Black tri male from Skye's litter. He has that fabulous full white collar and a striking blue eye. Marked perfectly and very aware of just how special he is. $950 pet price. $2,500 with full breeding rights.

Jack and Rainy had a lovely litter on January 19. These pups will be ready March 16. The colors are fabulous in this litter! Jack is 14" and about 20lbs. Rainy is 15.5" and about 25lbs. These two have had several litters in the past and we've always loved how the pups turn out. There tends to be a lot of variety in size with this cross. Some pups staying VERY little (13" and under) while other pups grow to be 16" tall, and of course all sizes between.

Liam - Black tri male with one a beautiful blue eye out of Rainey's litter. He looks like he will be around the 15" mark for height as well. $750 pet price. $2,300 with full breeding rights.

Shamus - Blue merle male out of Rainey's litter. He is very uniquely marked with some dilute spots. He is one of the smaller ones of the litter, maybe closer to 14". $950 pet price.

Sold -Atreyu was Patrick- Black tri male out of Rainey's litter. This guys is one of the bigger pups and he is such a sleepy head, I couldn't even get him to stay awake for the photo shoot. I think he will look a lot like his dad!

Sold - was Kiara now Cece - Blue merle female out of Rainey's litter. She is a little bit of a thing, two blue eyes, and great merle pattern.

Sold - was Riona now Akeela - Blue merle female out of Rainey's. She reminds me of her mother a lot, in looks, but she is one of the smaller pups of the litter.

Sold - was Jenny now Finley - blue merle female out of Rainey's litter. Perfectly marked, two blue yes and looks to be on the smaller size.

Sold! Aries - was Brionna - Blue merle out of Rainey's litter. She is amazing! Tons of beautiful copper, full white collar and two blue eyes! This dog will stop traffic! She is the biggest female of the litter and I expect her to be closer to the 15" height.
Thank you for stopping by! I’ll be posting more puppy pictures as the time goes on! Stop back soon!
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Myth Busters Barnyard Style
February 9, 2018

Has anyone seen posts like this on Facebook? I have seen tons, and been tagged in them and messaged them… and everything. I just kept thinking… that can’t possibly work, this has got to be a myth or non-urban legend? Right? So you know me, I had to try it.
(BTW, this was the one messaged to me, I am not sure who to give credit to, if its yours and want credit let me know I will be happy to give it to you. If its yours and don’t want credit, I’ll be happy to use a different image instead.)

So, I started with a water bottle, filled it 1/3 the way full of salt (I used table salt, iodized I think.) Filled the bottle the rest of the way full of warm water and gave it a good shaking and put the lid on tight.
And if you’re following facebook you may have seen the Aquafina video that has gone viral as well. So I should have double not freezing super powers.

That evening I tossed the bottle in the tank while I was watering the cows and Tooth Fairy. This was January 18. The high for the day was 36, the low was 14. So in Wyoming, thats a pretty, balmy, nice winter day.
I don’t know what I expected. Certainly not the whole ice cube melted in the tank, but maybe, just maybe a dent under the water bottle? That would be encouraging.

January 19, 2018. The high was 37, the low was 27. Even nicer weather, but no dent, no puddle, no indication that this little trick has done anything.

January 20, high 37, low 26, no difference what-so-ever.

The black cow thinks I’m ridiculous. And yes, I probably am.

So while I was filling my water tank, the hose left a little hole in the ice, so I stuck the bottle in the hole. I figured that would test the ice melting capabilities.
(Then Aiden came by and said, “Mom, you dropped your bottle in the water tank.”
No, hun, I did it on purpose. So he put the bottle back in the hole, but upside down, of course.)

January 21, high 32, low 14. The ice is frozen straight up to the water bottle.

January 29, high 37, low 21. Frozen.

February 2, high 38, low 21.

February 5, high 20, low 11.

February 8, high 42, low 9.
Ok, so I may have done something wrong, but in the words of Jamie and Adam, “This myth is busted.” In my book at least.

Thank you for stopping by the Barnyard, my dog Skye will be the mother of the next litter of toy aussies I will be announcing. Please join my email list if you want to be among the first to know about these cuties! Check out the available puppies page.
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Sled dogs and bucking horses
February 5, 2018

Last Friday the sun came out and warmed us up a bit. It got up to like 38 degrees! So Aiden and I decided to take his dog Miko out for a sled pull.

I have trained ponies to pull carts, and I have trained dogs to do a couple things, but I haven’t ever trained a sled dog… till now.
My training method involved me hooking up the dog to the sled, then leading him out of the explorer while we took off across the pasture with Aiden driving. But the dog won’t run unless the door is open and I am hanging out yelling lots of encouragement.

Imagine if you will… Aiden driving. Me, hanging out of the open explorer door yelling, “Good dog, c’mon boy! Faster Aiden! Good dog Miko! A Bit slower Aiden, no faster than that! No not that fast! Aiden… Miko!”
All while holding on for dear life! That is my sled dog training method. I bet there are more effective ways.

But we all stayed alive. And had fun. And Miko did great with just the sled. Then we added 40lbs of dog food and he even pulled that for a while. Till he got tired. Then he just quit. Sat down and smiled.

But it gave me a great opportunity to take some photos. Aiden’s horse Dime even came up to get in some of the pictures.

I think this is one of my all-time favorite photos! It will be going on the wall! And BTW, I think my pasture is one of the only places you will see sled dogs and bucking horses together.

And just in case you were wondering how Aiden’s dog felt about sharing his attention with Dime… here you go.

This little gal is out of a Riggin x Riley male and a Holly x Porter female. Her name is Dottie and we are just loving her. Trying to decide if we will keep her in our breeding program to find her a loving home.
I will be announcing a Skye x Oakie litter and a Rainy x Jack litter here shortly.
Thank you so much for stopping by! Come back soon!
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