From the Barnyard
Labor Day weekend here we come!

Welcome friends! Boy have we been busy here at the barnyard! I feel like a chicken with my head cut off.
Well, perhaps not literally having been whiteness to such a spectacle, and I hope I am not quite that…. well not quite like a chicken with her head cut off.

Gidget and Frosty’s puppies are getting bigger.

And speaking of getting bigger, we had my Little Cowgirl’s birthday party. Cammy made her cake and as usual it was perfect! and Delicious!
Cammy’s Elegant Edibles, 307-764-2393,

Feeding the bulls their cucumbers was at the top of the list for the entertainment.

And the boys were more than happy to be amongst the guests of honor.

And after a long, hot summer day what would be better than a swim down the creek on the back of a mini horse.
Yes, we know how to have a party here at the barnyard!

The Farmers Markets are going strong! We now have watermelons and cantaloupe! Along with the best corn you will ever taste! We are in:
Worland Wednesday night 4:30-6:30 at True Value
Cody Thursday night from 4:30 - 6:30 at the marathon building
Worland Sat. morning from 8:30-11:30 at the corner of 9th and Big Horn (Except this Saturday because of Labor day.)
Otherwise you can reach my dad, Mark Stiver at 307-388-0708

And the Meeteetse Labor Day Rodeo is next Monday! Entries are being taken today at 307-548-2326. This is one of my favorite rodeos all year! The cowboys, cowgirls and animal athletes have had all summer to get practiced up so it tends to be a great show!
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Welcome Baby
August 21
Just so you know… This is not what I do. I am not a portrait photographer. But when special friends have such a special occasion… all I can say is, “Let's try it."

And I am so glad I did. This is such a great family.

Full of love.

Seeing the kindness this family had for each other was balm for my soul.



You can just see the love these two share.

And will now shower on Baby.

One little guy just completed this family.

Congratulations family and welcome baby. Thank you so much for letting me be part of this special occasion.
<< Next Labor day weekend here we come! ^^ Back to the Top ^^ Birthday girl >>
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Individual pics of the miniature australian puppies are up! Check out the overwhelming cuteness!
Dalmatian puppies are being born right now! 3 so far!
A Birthday girl
August 10, 2014

It is my Little Cowgirl’s birthday! Can you believe that 9 years ago today I was meeting this one for the first time ever?! Now I can’t imagine my life with out her! She is my sidekick and best friend!

She’s an animal lover.

A fabulous cowgirl.

The life of the party.

She has awesome style.

And she’s just as cute as a button!

Help me wish my Little Cowgirl happy birthday!

Even though she is insisting we quit referring to her as “Little Cowgirl."

Happy Birthday my dear! We love you!
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Individual pics of the miniature australian puppies are up! Check out the overwhelming cuteness!
Spotty puppies are expected at the end of August.