December 22, 2021

Happy New Year Everyone!

I love getting cards from family, friends that have become family and puppy families every year at Christmas. And every year I try to send out cards as well, and occasionally I get it done… but not this year.
So I have opted for a digital Christmas Card and family letter... that I am putting out three weeks after Christmas.

2021 started out with a fun family gathering at my mom’s house in Dubois. It was a Christmas/engagement/birthday celebration, with lot of food, winter sports and laughing.
Josh and I decided 2-1-21 was a good day to get hitched, so we grabbed a bouquet of flowers and headed to the courthouse and got married.

Aiden really excelled at wrestling his junior year and came in 6th in the state for his weight class in 2021. He is wrestling this year as a senior and we are excited to see what he does in 2022.

He was chosen to be the FFA president his sophomore year, junior year and again his senior year.

Addie finished out her sophomore year at RMHS. She played Volleyball and was student council treasurer.

She got her new horse, Tito, in the spring of 2021 and has been busy training him and rodeoing and barrel racing. They are an amazing pair and I can’t wait to see how they do together.

Josh’s eye is doing great! For anyone that doesn’t know, he had to have cornea transplant surgery in 2019, the surgery was a success! He has 20/20 vision out of his injured eye now with a contact and we don’t have to visit the eye doctor quite as regularly.
But when we do make trips to Northern Colorado, Matt and Julia always are so fun to get together with!

In 2021 we did a little bit of fishing,

A lot of farming,

A little bit of riding,

Aiden started his senior year and got to play for the state championship football game at War Memorial Stadium!

Addie opted to do online school for her junior year, and is doing a lot of fencing with me as well. It is very fun to work with your best friends all day!

We have been very blessed this year, and while we have had tons of adventures, the highlights of the year are always the times we spent with family and friends!

Thank you for being part of it all! I can’t wait to see what fun times 2022 brings!
I have a few available mini aussies and Addie has some Texas Heelers that are ready to go.
I hope to be announcing more puppies here shortly, subscribe to our email list or check back soon!
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