From the Barnyard
Rodeo Time!
May 6, 2015


The Cowley Spring Rodeo, our first rodeo of the year was last Saturday.
We had TONS of entries! The weather was beautiful!

The horses bucked!

The Bulls bucked even better! Here is Awesome Sauce!

But lets be honest, the best part of the rodeo is the wrecks! Here is my gal Cayde on coming off my horse Buckskin Sally.

We had some awesome wrecks! Javier coming off El Bandito.

Plus - no one got hurt bad, or even very much! Skinny diving off Freckles Plowboy.

This is Shadow, he is sort of a favorite!

He was really giving it a go! But the Cowboy held on for 8.

And was looking for the pickup man.

But I gotta tell you, it’s a bad sign when your pickup man makes this face.

Or this face.

Bottoms Up!

Thanks for joining us here at the barnyard. Here is the entire tentative rodeo schedule for us for 2015 hope you can join us for the next one!
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Full of foals
April 21, 2015

The babies have started here at the ranch.

Birthday Girl was first. And she is a sweet heart!

But especially this kid. So the Western Original gave Birthday Girl to him.

The next foal was out of my mare, Monkey. My Little Cowgirl really has taken a liking to her, and who would’t right?! So the Little Cowgirl has been going out to the field with treats to woo Monkey and her new baby. (I think she wants me to give her the baby.)
And you know - I probably will.

This bay beauty is a good solid bucking horse colt. His mother is called the Kicking Mare. (And yes, for good reason.) And his dad is Billy the Kid.
We haven’t settled on a name for him yet. It might be Mr. Popular because when he was born Painted Lady sure thought she would like to raise him as her own and tried to steal him from the Kicking Mare.

Or maybe I will call him, Looking Back, because this is how he looks at me all the time.
Just looking back over his shoulder.

This is Spring Beauty. She was the next one born. Out of Billy and Tudy. She is a real go-getter and constantly has her mother on her toes!

And her cousin Booty, out of Fruity.
Yes, that’s right, we have Fruity and Tudy. There was a Rudy (but he sold.) Now it is Beauty and Booty. We are real creative that way.

Look at that perfect kinky tail!

A big, raw boned horse colt out of “The Old 13 Mare.” He doesn’t have a name yet. Heck his mother barely has a name.

Look at those knees! Those legs! Those ears! That fuzzy chin! This kid is going to grow!

Oh but then there is this girl! This little doll is out of a mare called Bobby Sue and Dick’s good stud Billy the Kid.

This is the one I love! Do you think the Western Original will give her to me? Look at that glass eye, that pretty blaze, that smart little face!

Oh yes, I love this little filly! And she comes up to see whatever I am doing too!

But wait - What’s this? My mare Miss Kitty with a brand new baby! Just hours old here!

Still a little wobbly! She is a Miss Kitty x Billy the Kid filly. I am trying to decide whether to name her Billy Red Cat or Gifford Red Cat.

And one last super surprise for the day!

My Little Cowgirl had her first miniature horse foal!

A buckskin colt with two fabulous blue eyes! It doesn’t get much better than that! She has named him Pumpkin Spice.

Nice Photo Bomb!
Ok, I need name ideas! Comment below with your best ones!
Thanks for joining me here at the barnyard! We only have one Dalmatian girl left from all our spring puppies! Check her out!
Ya’all come back you hear!
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"The Dead Baby Turkey Comed Alived"
April 16, 2015
Does your family have stories, the good ones, the ones that are told over and over till they almost be come more of a family legend than a story.
Mine does.
Here is “The Dead Baby Turkey Comed Alived” story.

May 20, 2009, it was my 27 birthday. I was looking forward to sleeping in and drinking my coffee - slowly - in my bed.
Unfortunately I had a 3-year-old girl, 3 bucket calves, a half a dozen turkey babies, couple dogs and one very fat cat. (Luckily my Native Boy is a good sleeper and probably slept through this whole episode I am about to relate.)

The morning started out early. 6 a.m. or so. It was my Little Cowgirl’s usual wake up time. But I got myself a cup of coffee and determined to relax in bed. Quietly.
Until I heard the clatter of calf hooves on my kitchen floor. “Hey! Don’t let the cows in the house!” Yeah, I never thought I would be screaming those words from my bed either.
I evacuated the calves. Brought the dogs back in the house and tripped over the cat on my way back to my bed.
Little Cowgirl was not done with her morning fun though.

“Mama, can I let the baby turkeys out of their cage?”
Yes, but make sure the cat and dogs stay in the house and keep an eye on them.
I did want to teach the turkeys to free rang a little after all. My Little Cowgirl could be my turkey herder.
So I settled peacefully back in bed to enjoy some more coffee and quiet until --
I heard screeches from the back door, “NO Kelly NO!” Obviously things were going downhill fast!
I hit the back door headed out at the same time my old black dog was headed in with the lifeless body of a baby turkey in her mouth. I slapped her on the butt and she spit the casualty out.
The back yard looked like something of a war scene! Turkeys were scattering! I yelled at the other dog to get back in the house. My Little Cowgirl was sitting on the fat cat in nothing but a diaper! The cat had a baby turkey under each front paw and was determined to keep his prizes while his diapered rider pulled strongly on each ear trying to get him to relinquish said prizes.
I stormed out the back door cussing and gathering up turkeys. After rescuing the two held captive by the cat I stomped back into the house with my daughter right behind me. As we entered the house I scooped up the dead turkey the dog had spit out and dumped in in the kitchen trash. I preceded to stomp and growl and lecture my daughter about dogs, cats and turkeys.
Then I got into a shower.
After my shower I was getting dressed. I still was pretty grumpy about the turkey massacre. And I grumbled along. My Little Cowgirl came in to my room and said, “Mommy, the dead baby turkey comed alived.”
No, I told her. Dead turkeys don’t come back to life.
“But mommy, it moved.”
No, darling that was just the trash settling.
“But mommy, it went ‘Meep, meep, meep.'”
Ok. Now she had my attention, and sure enough in the kitchen I found a baby turkey sitting on top of the coffee grinds in the trash can saying, “Meep, meep, meep."
Well, we did end up loosing a couple turkeys to the turkey massacre that day. But not that one!
“Mommy, the dead baby turkey comed alived."
I hope you enjoyed this family favorite! Thank you for joining me here at the barnyard. Please take a moment to tell us some of your family stories!
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Easter Sushi

Look at my little easter bunny! She’s one in a minion!
And she loves sushi! California rolls to be exact. In fact once on a trip to “the city” she had her heart so set on eating sushi that when she found out the restaurant was closed the only way to console her was to buy her a fish. A live fish.
Yes, the irony is not lost on me. And no, she refused to name the fish sushi. And no, we did not eat the fish… yet.

So when uncle Jared came up from “the really big city” and asked what she wanted he brought her all the supplies to make her California Rolls!

Then taught her how!

Sushi chefs in the making!

And the first taste test...

Gotta go all-in!

Every last crumb...

Almost there!

Yep, the seal of approval.

Finger lickin' good!

Uncle Jared invented a roll he likes to call the Piggly Wiggly.

First taste test...

Yep, it gets the uncle Jared seal of approval.

One last image from this weekend. I swear I feel like paparazzi most of the time, but this photo… Doesn’t it just look like I caught a movie star or famous athlete heading somewhere with his daughter.
And yes, ladies uncle Jared is single.
Thanks for joining me here at the barnyard for the first annual Easter Sushi tradition in the making!
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