February 16, 2018 - Happy Birthday Mom!

Winter gets loooong around here. And it gets dark and cold early in the evening. And Netflix becomes a trusted companion. But…. I hate just sitting. So I introduced myself to a new hobby.
Check out the earrings I made!

It is a little tedious, and I am quite slow… but I do love how they turn out. I call these ones Spring Blossom.

People have been asking me about them, so I decided just to do a blog post. These are called Cool Waters.

Colors Addie chose, Winter Skies.

A pair I made for a friend, I didn’t get great pics of because I was in such a hurry to get them to her. Royal Plumage.

My Valentine’s Day bling, Fire and Ice.

Colors my sister picked out, Evergreen Forest.

And a new pattern I tried last night, Autumn Bouquet.
Since people are asking, I will sell them. These two patterns will be $20/pair. I can make them to order or you can pick out a pair already made. As I said before, I am really slow… but they are tons of fun!

Thank you so much for stopping by. While you are here be sure to check out my available puppies! Come back soon!
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