February 9, 2018

Has anyone seen posts like this on Facebook? I have seen tons, and been tagged in them and messaged them… and everything. I just kept thinking… that can’t possibly work, this has got to be a myth or non-urban legend? Right? So you know me, I had to try it.
(BTW, this was the one messaged to me, I am not sure who to give credit to, if its yours and want credit let me know I will be happy to give it to you. If its yours and don’t want credit, I’ll be happy to use a different image instead.)

So, I started with a water bottle, filled it 1/3 the way full of salt (I used table salt, iodized I think.) Filled the bottle the rest of the way full of warm water and gave it a good shaking and put the lid on tight.
And if you’re following facebook you may have seen the Aquafina video that has gone viral as well. So I should have double not freezing super powers.

That evening I tossed the bottle in the tank while I was watering the cows and Tooth Fairy. This was January 18. The high for the day was 36, the low was 14. So in Wyoming, thats a pretty, balmy, nice winter day.
I don’t know what I expected. Certainly not the whole ice cube melted in the tank, but maybe, just maybe a dent under the water bottle? That would be encouraging.

January 19, 2018. The high was 37, the low was 27. Even nicer weather, but no dent, no puddle, no indication that this little trick has done anything.

January 20, high 37, low 26, no difference what-so-ever.

The black cow thinks I’m ridiculous. And yes, I probably am.

So while I was filling my water tank, the hose left a little hole in the ice, so I stuck the bottle in the hole. I figured that would test the ice melting capabilities.
(Then Aiden came by and said, “Mom, you dropped your bottle in the water tank.”
No, hun, I did it on purpose. So he put the bottle back in the hole, but upside down, of course.)

January 21, high 32, low 14. The ice is frozen straight up to the water bottle.

January 29, high 37, low 21. Frozen.

February 2, high 38, low 21.

February 5, high 20, low 11.

February 8, high 42, low 9.
Ok, so I may have done something wrong, but in the words of Jamie and Adam, “This myth is busted.” In my book at least.

Thank you for stopping by the Barnyard, my dog Skye will be the mother of the next litter of toy aussies I will be announcing. Please join my email list if you want to be among the first to know about these cuties! Check out the available puppies page.
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