February 5, 2018

Last Friday the sun came out and warmed us up a bit. It got up to like 38 degrees! So Aiden and I decided to take his dog Miko out for a sled pull.

I have trained ponies to pull carts, and I have trained dogs to do a couple things, but I haven’t ever trained a sled dog… till now.
My training method involved me hooking up the dog to the sled, then leading him out of the explorer while we took off across the pasture with Aiden driving. But the dog won’t run unless the door is open and I am hanging out yelling lots of encouragement.

Imagine if you will… Aiden driving. Me, hanging out of the open explorer door yelling, “Good dog, c’mon boy! Faster Aiden! Good dog Miko! A Bit slower Aiden, no faster than that! No not that fast! Aiden… Miko!”
All while holding on for dear life! That is my sled dog training method. I bet there are more effective ways.

But we all stayed alive. And had fun. And Miko did great with just the sled. Then we added 40lbs of dog food and he even pulled that for a while. Till he got tired. Then he just quit. Sat down and smiled.

But it gave me a great opportunity to take some photos. Aiden’s horse Dime even came up to get in some of the pictures.

I think this is one of my all-time favorite photos! It will be going on the wall! And BTW, I think my pasture is one of the only places you will see sled dogs and bucking horses together.

And just in case you were wondering how Aiden’s dog felt about sharing his attention with Dime… here you go.

This little gal is out of a Riggin x Riley male and a Holly x Porter female. Her name is Dottie and we are just loving her. Trying to decide if we will keep her in our breeding program to find her a loving home.
I will be announcing a Skye x Oakie litter and a Rainy x Jack litter here shortly.
Thank you so much for stopping by! Come back soon!
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