March 16, 2017
I have been trying to do this every year, documenting the year’s foals on my blog. Every fall I think why would I need to write that down? I can remember it… alas. I have learned that these thing need to be recorded. (Foals 2015)

It is amazing how much a foal can change in 6 months alone… so 4 years down the road when we start bucking these babies, we are constantly scratching our heads and trying to remember which mare is their mother.
So - none too soon, here are the 2016 bucking horse foals, for your enjoyment and my record keeping.

This black mare is Birthday Girl’s Mom, we named her that because she is Birthday Girl’s mom. (Meet Birthday girl here, and see her helping me paint here)
Now - this is pretty amazing!
In 2015 this mare had her foal on Dick’s birthday, February 21. And in 2016, you’ll never believe me, but she had her foal on MY birthday! May 20!
Any bets on what day the 2017 foal will be born?

Bobby Sue and her colt. The stud’s name is Billy Both Socks. I want to name this colt Badger Bobby Both Socks, but Dick says that is too much for a rodeo announcer to get out. (He may be correct, this time.)
I love his markings!
What do you think we should name him?

This is Icy Sparks and her foal.. they made it hard to get the best record keeping shot, so I uploaded two photos of them.


The Kicking Mare and her foal.

Pretty woman and her foal, two pictures of them as well.


Wild Rose and her foal.

Thank you for joining us here at the barnyard! Pull up a chair and stay a while! Check out the puppies! And please come back soon!
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