November 16, 2015

I have two remaining Dalmatian Puppies. And though they are both totally lovable, they are about as different as brothers can be!
Bullseye (the one in the front) is outgoing and adventurous and boisterous.
While Bronco is calm, and quiet and cuddly and much more introverted.

Bullseye goes out and does chores with me everyday. Follows me everywhere (except the mad cow’s pen! He’s not dumb!) He loves following along and pretending to be a big dog.

While Bronco will follow me for a little while, unless I keep encouraging him to come along, he will stop and head back to the yard. He knows where he is safe and where he belongs. He will wait there patiently and quietly till I return and be super happy to tell me how much he missed me then.

When I took the boys in for their vet check, Bronco sat quietly on my lap, taking everything in. Occasionally looking up to give me a small shy kiss.
While Bullseye didn’t care where we were! He was going to attack my face with love!

Bronco tends to point at things and look at them from a distance.

And when he gets too close to the cats, they only have to tell him once.

While Bullseye jumps in head first! He will chase it, lick it, pounce on it or taste it! (Sometimes several times.)
“Mmmmm, the goat told me this stuff was good!"

“Blah! That goat is a stinky liar pants!"

“What? You knew I had to try it!"

So if you want to know more about either of these cuties, just give me a call!
** Up date Bullseye is sold **
Erin Stiver-Henson 307-254-3968

And if you want to see more pics of the Dalmatian puppies click here.
Thanks for joining me here at the Barnyard! I hope you enjoyed getting to know Bullseye and Bronco and that you love them just as much as I do!
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