At my real job, the preschool needed some fertilized eggs to put in the incubator. Being short of such eggs, (Chicky Mo Mo and the gang have not started laying yet,) my friend Stacey offered up some duck eggs.

And three perfect, downy ducklings emerged!

Meet Igor, Agnes and...


We brought them home from the preschool to meet the gang. Psycho Hen was the first to greet them. I think they were a little overwhelmed.

Poor Eleanor waddled up to greet the gang like any social fowl would do. Pearl and Psycho Hen didn't seem to be very gracious hostesses.

Then War Paint got in on the meet-and-do-not-greet action. I have a feeling poor Igor, Eleanor and Agnes will have to start their own Duck Gang. Or be hen pecked their whole lives!

But an all-duck gang could be fun! There will be tons of pool parties!

And sun bathing!

And I think they might even make me the leader of their gang! Welcome Eleanor, Igor, and Agnes to the Barnyard!
Thank you so much joining us! Ya’ all come back, ya hear!
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