
The weather was fine today! So I took Raja and Nova up for a photoshoot. Raja is so beautiful and photogenic!

My perfect little blue model!

With cold little paws!

Nova was a little harder to take photos of.

He loves to sit near my feet.

And if he’s not sitting near me he is speeding like a bullet!
I got some good photos! But what I really wanted to share with you today are the outtakes!

What the heck is going on here? Is Nova licking Matthew’s feet as they go running past?
I dunno!

And then there is this. The ultimate double play photobomb! I’m going to just leave it here with this one!

“Hey Raja, do you wanna build a snowman?”
Or is he making Raja into a snowman?
Thank you so much for stopping by the barnyard for a visit today! Click through to see more about the puppies!
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