From the Barnyard

Hi, I'm Erin, A woman who keeps two torches and a branding iron in the fire at all times! Join me in my adventures in life as I try to wrangle my two enthusiastic children, all my many horses, a brahma calf or ten, a whole pack of dogs and a man who is truly a western original!

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2025 - the year of changes at the Ranch

Updated 2/27/25

2025 has hit hard! There has been a lot happen, a lot of trauma and haven't been able to keep up as much as I wanted to. Please forgive me if you contacted me and I ghosted you, some days are just too much!

 Moving forward, happenings have spurred me on the the next chapter of my life! After 20 years of ranching, raising dogs and running my own business from home, I am ready to reinvent myself! I think I'll get a job working for a company for a while, clock in 9-5 and leave work behind me when I go home. I'm going to travel with my family more! And I am cutting down on my responsibilities! 

I will be posting adult dogs for sale on this blog post. There will be Mini Aussies and Dalmatians; breeding pairs, and breeding thruples, retired dogs and puppies. If you are have been wanting some quality dogs I will have several for sale.  I also have adult female labs, a male poodle and labradoodle puppies coming soon and all for sale. Prices will be reasonable, but please don't use this challenging time of my life to try to get great dogs for nothing. Please be kind.

I will be updating this blog post as I post adult dogs and have them ready for sale. If you are know what you are looking for call or text and I will let you know what I have available. Thank you! Erin 307-254-3968

Scout Goes to South Dakota

April 5, 2024

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Update - Scout is sold

Aiden and Tatum had a little “mini spring break” last weekend so we decided to load up and head for the Hills. The Black Hills of South Dakota that is and we took this little stinker along for fun. Meet Scout.

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It was a long drive over to the hills, but Scout slept through it just fine.

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On the way over we stopped at Devil’s Tower, right at sunset, it made for some lovely photos.

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We went to Mount Rushmore, everyone was wishing they were smart like Tatum and wore sunglasses. 

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One of my favorite spots in the Hills is Prairie Berry Winery. 10/10 recommend.

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Crazy Horse Monument.

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Coffee from the Wandering Bison in Hot Springs, SD. Scout went everywhere with us, met lots of people, hiked in the hills and was pure joy to have along!

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The best part of visiting South Dakota is seeing Aunt Kathy! Thanks for the visit and we love you! 


Next trip will be to visit Addie in Texas. If you know anyone looking for a pup that would be interested in meeting me in Texas or along the way please shoot them my info! It sure is nice to help people get their pup and save them miles too! 

Thank you! Erin 307-254-3968

Thank you for swinging by the Barnyard! 

Be sure to check out all the available puppies! 

Mini Aussies


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Update - Scout is sold

Scout - blue merle male out of Red and Buddy, born 12-14-23, ready to go. Both of the blue males of this litter of very small, and he is the smallest and I’m guessing he will be around/under 13” and 15lbs. Two blue eyes and perfect markings. $1350

Scout took a road trip to the Black Hills of South Dakota on the family spring break. He rides in the car very well, will wait in the car with out destroying everything (he does cry like a baby), he follows you everywhere and is really good about meeting people. If you want a tiny dog that you can stick in your purse, or under your arm and go everywhere, he is the kid for you. He is almost 4 months old, staying around 10lbs so far, and looks like he has about grown into his feet. He is going to be a little guy. Call or text me for videos. Thank you! Erin 307-254-3968

Click here to see the available mini and toy aussies.

Adelaide Graduated!

October 18, 2023

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My beautiful daughter Adelaide graduated this spring and I’m just getting around to blogging about it. 

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She is smart. 

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She is gorgeous! 

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She is strong and independent. 

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And loves animals! 

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We had a graduation party for her, Cammy made her beautiful cake! Thank you Cammy! Cammy’s Elegant Edibles

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She spent the summer in Wyoming, working and playing when we could. She has a litter of phenomenal mini heelers. 

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She moved to Texas this fall and is enjoying the warm fall weather, seeing new sites and trying new things.

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She is barrel racing her new-ish horse, Captain and is winning checks and having tons of fun!

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I am very excited to make a trip to go visit her this fall, and she will be making trips back and forth from Texas to Wyoming for holidays, so be sure to share this web page, and puppy pictures with friends and family that live along this route! 

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Join me in congratulating Addie on her graduation and her new exciting adventures in life!

Congratulations Adelaide! 

Thank you for swinging by the Barnyard! 

Be sure to check out all the available puppies! 

Mini Aussies

Mini Heelers



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September 14, 2023

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When Josh and I got married he wanted Labradors. 

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Since so many people in my area raise Labs, I decided to go a little different direction and got my boy Thor, a Standard Poodle. 

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Updated 12/11/23

And we have the most beautiful litter of Labradoodles. 

"A cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Standard Poodle, the Labradoodle is a  friendly, loving family dog who's easy on the allergies makes Labradoodles one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States. These dogs love activity, just not as much as they’ll love you." Read more here. 

And this litter did not disappoint. They are goofy and loving and playful and oh so smart! Dad is a stand poodle and is tall and lanky and 40-50lbs. Mom is a black Lab and is short and stout and 40-50lbs. I expect puppies to fall in this size range.

These pups are easy to train, want to please and are going on to be very helpful for members of our community. 

These pups were born July 27 and are ready to go to their new homes! 

Labradoodle Wyoming 8650-(1)

Sold - Tex - black male, he has the fluffiest black coat, he is cuddly and very beautiful. His big, brown eyes will melt your heart. $250

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Sold - Buster - blue merle male, Buster wags his tail all the time! He has the cutest curly-haired ears and is sooooo fluffy! $250

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Sold - Jet went to to be a service dog for a girl who suffers severe pain resulting from a TBI. 

Jet has the smoothest coat of the litter, but possibly the biggest personality. He is fast and sassy and playful, but oh he loves his bath! When the hot water jets hit him he just melts! $250

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Sold - Belle went to a young couple who just moved into their first home and struggle with allergies. 

The three girls in this litter are a bit more shy than their brothers. Belle has the fluffiest coat of the girls, she is in the middle personality wise and is about as cute as a button. $250

Labradoodle Wyoming 8715-(2)

Sold - Rosé went to be a companion fro a woman who was going into surgery and would need a companion to recover with her.  

 Rosé is the most outgoing of the girls. She is a character and is prone to getting herself into predicaments, (like falling in the stock tank.) She is medium fluffy and has a very beautiful merle pattern coat. $250

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Sold - Teddy - is going to be a service dog for a military veteran who suffers from PTSD and allergies.  

Teddy is so loving! He is always giving kisses, to people, to his brothers and sisters, to the ungrateful cat. Teddy just loves love. He is the king of the puppy head tilt and is always giving me quizzical looks. He is ready for his new home. $250

If you are interested in any of these beautiful puppies please call or text Erin at 307-254-3968. All puppies will have age-appropriate vaccinations. 

Thank you so much for stopping by the Barnyard! Come Back Soon! 

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Because we are so thankful to everyone who has got a puppy from us, follows us on social media and sees this web page we want to give back to you. 

Know someone looking for a puppy? Share our web page, puppy pics or social media post, and if your friend buys a puppy from us we will give you $100 cash (or PayPal or Venmo.) Just be sure they tell us you referred them so I can contact you to give you your reward. 

This offer is Valid October 18, 2023 through December 1, 2023 for all puppies over 10 weeks old. (That's all puppies listed right now.) 

Aiden Graduated!

September 6, 2022

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Can you believe this kid graduated High School?!

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He was President of his FFA Chapter for 3 years...

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Excelled in wrestling and got to play football at the state championship game!

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I am so proud of him!

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He is big and kind!

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And Goofy!

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Congratulations Aiden!

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Thank you to everyone for coming up and supporting him!

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Thank you Cammy for his amazing and delicious cake!

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Cammy has been making cakes for Aiden for quite a while now.  

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Congratulations Aiden! 

Thank you for swinging by the Barnyard! 

Don’t forget, my cousin Jessica has Corgi puppies  

I hope to be announcing more puppies here shortly, subscribe to our email list or check back soon! 

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South Dakota Corgis

Update all puppies have found their homes

September 6, 2022

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My cousin Jessica lives on a ranch near Faith, SD.

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They have a fabulous life and are always doing cool cowboy stuff. Check out Klein Ranch and Custom Haying on Facebook. 

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She’s also a very talented leather worker. Check out her facebook page Jessie’s Leather Works and Design. 

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She currently has a litter of adorable Corgis. And since I haven’t had puppies since March, I  was more than happy to share her cuties with all of my friends. 

Puppies are pure bred pembroke welsh corgi. Parents have been DNA tested. Parents work on their beef cattle ranch. They are good with other animals including chickens as well as people and young kids.

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Sold - Male #1 is full of energy and is very playful. A typical boy! $500. Born July 6, call or text Jessica at 605-431-2677. Located near Faith,SD

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Sold - Female #2 is a sweetheart and loves to cuddle. $500. Born July 6, call or text Jessica at 605-431-2677. Located near Faith,SD

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Sold - Female #3 is the quietest and shiest of the litter. $500. Born July 6, call or text Jessica at 605-431-2677. Located near Faith,SD

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Sold - Female #4 is smart, eager to please and loves a good tummy rubbing! $500. Born July 6, call or text Jessica at 605-431-2677. Located near Faith,SD

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Sold - Male #5 is alert, curious and always has his nose to the ground. $500. Born July 6, call or text Jessica at 605-431-2677. Located near Faith,SD

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Sold - Male #6 is a merle who loves to play and cuddle and to all the puppy things. $700. Born July 6, call or text Jessica at 605-431-2677. Located near Faith,SD

Thank you for swinging by the Barnyard! Y’all Come Back Soon! 

I hope to be announcing more puppies here shortly, subscribe to our email list or check back soon! 

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Away in a Manger

December 15, 2021

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Every Christmas I love to watch this youtube video and every year I think I need to do something like this with puppies. Every year Christmas sneaks up on me… and every year I don’t get it done. But here is a quick, cute attempt.

PS go watch this video, its adorable!

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Carol and Kaycee would be cast as Mary and Joseph, they are both calm, serene,  quietly watching and pondering.

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Holly would be the Baby Jesus because -  she is just perfect and cute and does a lot of sleeping. 

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Walker and Rip would be the shepherds, it doesn’t take a whole host of heavenly angels to make these boys tremble in fear. 

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Oakley would be a camel, only because when she waddled up to me yesterday and I picked her up her tummy was so full it felt like a water balloon. Also I really like camels and I really like Oakley!

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Tuck would be the little drummer boy, he’s little, doesn’t have a lot to give, but my goodness he’s going to give it his all! He'll rum-pa-pa-pum his little heart out for you! 

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Cinch would be an angel, not one of those serene, quiet, dressed in white kind of angels, but a Glory to God kind of Angel! 

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And Chonk, well Chonk would be the Angel Gabriel himself! Bringing good tidings of great Joy! With absolutely no fear whatsoever! 

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Thank you so much for swinging by the Barnyard and visiting my impromptu Nativity Scene. 

You can see the available mini aussies here

And available Texas Heelers here

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Do you like my puppy proof (so far knock on wood) Christmas Tree? Monster Kitty is not impressed! 

Merry Christmas everyone if I don’t visit with you before then! 

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Adelaide’s adorable Texas Heeler Puppies

2-23-22 - Update - All Adelaide’s pups have gone to new homes. We are excited to be looking forward to a litter of miniature heelers summer or 2022! Stay tuned for more, and sign up fo my email alerts if you want me to shoot you the news! 

Josie and Gus

My daughter Adelaide has started her own breeding program. She has an adorable, fat, happy litter of Texas heelers that are ready to go just in time for Christmas. Her female Josie is full bred mini heeler and is the nicest, kindest, smartest heeler I have ever met in my life! We bred her to Gus who is a happy, fun loving mini Aussie. I expect these babies to be between 20-40lbs full grown, to love everyone they meet and they have great working, service to pet abilities. These are Adelaide’s puppies, please call or shoot her a text at 307-254-4300. They are ready to go

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Sold - Tuck- the last of the Texas Heeler puppies, he loves to play and nibble on your fingers, he's such a happy guy and so willing to please. He's been here on the ranch with us, living his best life, but is ready to go on and find his perfect home and best friend forever. He has had all his shots, including rabies so he won't need anymore shots for one year. $500

Please call or text Adelaide at 307-254-4300

Here's a quick instagram video

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Sold - Oakley - the only female of this group of cowboy dogs and she is beautiful, she tends to be a little more serious than her brothers and is super excited to start devoting her life to someone special. $650

Please call or text Adelaide at 307-254-4300

Here's a quick instagram video

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Sold - Poncho - Biggest Texas heeler male, he is very smart, loves to get out and go and has the biggest, fattest cutest face. $650

Please call or text Adelaide at 307-254-4300

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Sold - Cinch - gorgeous male Texas heeler that loves cuddle, sit on laps and be with people all the time. I love his dark eyes and gorgeous copper. $550

Please call or Text Adelaide at 307-254-4300

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Riggin sold

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Bronc sold


We will be making a trip to Fort Collins, Colorado this weekend and we are happy to meet/deliver a puppy anywhere along the way. We will make this trip again for New Year's.

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Thank you so much for stopping by the Barnyard! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of fabulous food and loved ones! 

To Learn more about my available Dalmatian Puppies click here 

I have a couple Mini/Toy Aussie pups available as well.

 Theres a couple horse, calves and goats available now too!

Thank you all for stopping by the Barnyard! Sniff on through any time! 

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Freya’s 4th of July Litter

August 31, 2021

I took Freya’s pups down to the park again today. It's funny how each of their personalities come out so quick on these little adventures. 

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Mia continues to be the A#1 recall expert and is the first to come every time I call the pups back to me. 

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The look you make when you are the goodest good dog that every good dogged. Mia is Sold.

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Shyla kept up her reputation as being the shy, awkward one. Somehow I feel like I relate to her on a personal level. 

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Shyla’s awkwardness is explained. My vet and I both suspected she had hearing limitations, but she acts like she can hear some noises. The BAER hearing test confirmed this fact. Shyla is available.

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Violet is pretty and feminine and dainty. Her eyes catch the light and sparkle in the sun.

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I did try to explain to her that it isn’t very lady like to eat the flowers, however. Violet is available.

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Chief is sold. Chief loves to lay flat out on his belly and nap during these excursions.  

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Yep, that’s Chief, he’s a little lazy.

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Ice is sold. Ice loves to hunt and is constantly learning about the world around her. She doesn’t hardly stop moving and is checking everything out. Not hyper, just sniffing and looking and moving. 

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Until she crashes. 

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Toward the end of our trip I got these photos, they kind of perfectly sum up this fun bunch of puppies. Chief is laying on his belly, Shyla is awkwardly laying down, but not napping, Mia is sitting near me paying attention, and Violet is sleeping in a mound of flowers. 

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And then Ice comes sniffing through.

To Learn more about my available Dalmatian Puppies click here 

I have a couple Mini/Toy Aussie pups available as well.

 Theres a couple horse, calves and goats available now too!

Thank you all for stopping by the Barnyard! Sniff on through any time! 

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Ducky Blog


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Josh likes to show people pictures on my web page. 


He wanted to show off this picture of Ribbon the other day and was disappointed it was not on my web page. 

Ribbon Puppy pics

Ribbon is a Riggin by Riley puppy that we kept from this last litter. She is beautiful and smart and just LOVES water (like her mom!) She really wants to grow up to be a cow dog.


This is Josh’s dog Ducky and Ribbon. The photo really doesn’t do either one of them justice, but you know, group shots, they are hard to get.


I wanted to include some puppy photos of Ducky, because man, she’s just so cute!


She’s not much of a cuddle bug, but occasionally you can get a snuggle.


Usually she likes to sprawl out on the ground like she’s broken.


Here is Maggie, Ducky and Birdie. 


This blog post wouldn’t be complete without a picture of Josh’s cat Angus.


And a picture when he was just a cute little hoodlum. 


While I’m introducing everyone, this is Josey and Jack, Addie’s healer dogs. 


And, well, if I’m doing a blog post of pictures that Josh might want to show off, I’m going to include this picture of the white tail buck I got last fall.


I love you darling! 

I have a mini aussie pup available now. Check her out.

And don’t forget about Finn!

Theres a couple horse, calves and goats available now too!

Thank you all for stopping by the Barnyard! Swing on through any time! 

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© Erin Stiver-Henson 2013